Leaf of Life – Buy Fresh Leaf
$2.00 – $10.00
Leaf of Life Leaf
Leaf of life is a common house plant with many medicinal benefits. A popular house plant that is a native to Madagascar and very common in Jamaica but has also been found in the Caribbean, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Brazil and parts of the United States of America. But some will also plant it in their flower garden for easy access.
Other Names for Leaf of Life
Leaf of life is also known as the air plant, cathedral bells, miracle leaf, the love bush, live forever, and the goethe plant. But its scientific name is the Kalanchoe Pinnata, the Bryophyllum Pinnatum and the Cotyledon Pinnata.
How to grow Leaf of life
Leaf of life is one of the easiest plants to grow. They will essentially grown in all types of soil even growing on rocks. The only necessary ingredient to starting these plants is moisture. They are self propagating and will propagate frequently. They are fast growing, drought tolerant, and can survive in most weather conditions.
To start growing leaf of life all you need to do is place one of the leaves into or on top of soil and make the soil moist. In just a few days roots will begin to appear. It will only take a few weeks to have a full grown plant. Leaf of life defiantly earns the title of the ” live forever plant”
Warning & Important Notes
Leaf of life should not be consumed during pregnancy! The information above is not medical advice for diagnosing, treating, or curing any specific disease, illness, or syndrome. It is important to consult with a physician or licensed health care provider prior to engaging in any aspect of alternative/holistic medicine.
How long should I expect Shipping to take?
All orders will only ship out Monday – Saturday in batches. Each order will receive a notification and tracking number once the order goes out. Before contacting our staff we recommend that you check your email and spam filter encase you might have missed us. You can reach our staff at our email kozykratom@gmail.com or by call/ texting (603)733-4665. We would prefer you send us a text as its easier for our staff to respond to and reference back to in case of future issues. We are available Mon – Sun 8am – 11 pm EST. A member of our helpful staff would be more than happy to talk with you anytime.
What happens if there is an issue with you order?
We guarantee to get to your leaf to your door healthy and green. But, sometimes things can happen. If there is ever an issue with your order please contact our team immediately. We ask that you email us at kozykratom@gmail.com or call /text us at (603)733-4665. Texting is preferred. It is helpful if you also include a photo of the situation and your order number. Our helpful staff will try to respond within the hour.
Where does the money from your order go to?
We are a small self funded American Kratom nursery. Our team does not take payment for our work. Everything we make goes back into the nursery, Documenting kratom, Our kratom social media platform Kratom Watchdog, Our kratom avatar chat Kynto, and our other kratom advocacy projects.’
Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS
Have you heard of the Kratom Watchdog app? Kratom Watchdog is a kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association (AKA). A booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. Kratom Watchdog is the oldest kratom social media platform online. With over 400 videos and over 200,000 photo’s from our own kratom Nursery. And 7,000 members we have a very strong growers community that are always willing to help. Kratom Watchdog is available on Android, IOS, and at kratomwatchdog.com. We are a small self funded development studio. If you would like to donate to the development of the platform we would appreciate it. Thank you for your continued support.
Amount | 1oz, 5oz |
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